Furnishing home with the mind is good for your health

The home influences the psychophysical well-being of its inhabitants in both positive and negative ways.

“Arredamente” (furnishing home with the mind) is the new philosophy of furnishing the home with the mind because it is good for your health. In fact, various research and studies also show that there is a special relationship between homes and psychophysical well-being. In addition to the spaciousness and airiness of spaces, among the fundamental factors that positively affect physical and mental health are:

  • natural lighting,
  • acoustic comfort and
  • a pleasant temperature
  • the design and arrangement of interior furnishings
  • the presence of plants
  • the availability of outdoor space.

The home and its powerful influence on mental health

It is certain that there is a strong connection between the home and the mental health of its inhabitants. Nowadays, especially after living in the home on a constant basis, what cannot be missing in a home that is attentive to the mental and physical well-being of its inhabitants are

  • flexibility,
  • hygiene,
  • transformability.

Essential characteristics to respond to today’s constantly changing needs. It is no coincidence that the Covid-19 has been instrumental in designing new objects, furnishing accessories and functional workspaces that can adapt to any home and ensure the psychophysical well-being of those who use them.


Furnishing home with the mind is good for your health – pexels by jason boyd

Furniture: the elements to consider

The home is one’s nest, the place where one takes refuge and relaxes after long, busy days. To achieve a piece of furniture that meets one’s needs, it is good to start with one’s mind, one’s habits, and everything that could optimise the main everyday gestures, from the simplest to the most complicated. Perhaps, through Smart Home devices. The important thing is to be able to design and furnish your home in such a way that you feel at peace with your mind.

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1 Good lighting for a peaceful mood

Lighting has important consequences for people’s mental and physical health. It should be considered that to feel good, a home must be well lit by natural light. Therefore, one should avoid obstructing the entrance with dark curtains and bulky furniture. Instead, those who have problems with light can find a few tricks to improve the amount of light in the home. Thus, mirrored cupboards and metal tables that reflect it into the room. From the point of view of actual lighting, on the other hand, soft lights are to be preferred, which combined with scented candles create a soft atmosphere that promotes relaxation and thus psychophysical well-being.


Furnishing home with the mind is good for your health – pexels curtis adams

2 The colours of furnishings and walls, if right, are good for you

The colours of furnishings and walls, if chosen correctly, are good for the health of those living in the home. In fact, colours instil certain feelings. Among the most relaxing ones are deep and intense colours such as those in shades of blue and green, combined with neutral and soft colours such as grey, beige and cream. Other colours such as orange, yellow and particular shades of green are able to activate and energise the space, thus perfect for the kitchen and home office. Therefore, it is good to choose colours that emphasise the ambience. It is usually a good idea to prefer neutral colours and to combine them with your favourite shades and the presence of certain plants. However, what instils well-being and relaxation is not only the colour of the walls. In fact, a very important role is played by the overall style of furniture that can encourage one’s positive emotions.

Matching colours in interior design: first steps for a modern style

3 Furniture: complements with soft, clean lines

A furnishing style that cares about psychophysical well-being avoids objects and accessories with sharp shapes that arouse negative emotions. And prefers objects with soft, clean lines that can instil positive emotions, improve communication and inner calm. In fact, they improve trust, communication, balance and generally improve relations between the inhabitants of the home. This is because furniture with clean lines does not subject the mind to visual stresses based on excessive aesthetic impact.


Furnishing home with the mind is good for your health – pexels by gustavo galeano maz

4 Order inside and out

To improve one’s physical well-being at home, the most important thing is to keep rooms nice and tidy. This enables the home to improve its overall psychophysical well-being. In fact, unlike clutter that weighs down the mind and creates inner chaos, with tidy rooms, the whole house is more beautiful and cosy. In addition, to keep everything tidy it is good to have compartments, shelves and drawers that can hold objects that would otherwise create chaos.

Therefore, it is good to tidy up your room periodically and get rid of everything that can be thrown away. This activity causes a feeling of wellbeing and lightness that is good for one’s own psychophysical wellbeing and that of those living in the home.

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